Tri-Health Wellness Centre: The Natural Approach To Better Health

Tri-Health Wellness Centre in Woodbridge uses an integrated, altruistic and natural approach to health care.
Besides automotive and technology ads, the commercial airwaves are filled with ads for new pharmaceutical medications of every sort. The one-minute TV commercials for these drugs all seem to follow the same format: 20 seconds announcing the malady — plus the medication name and how it will make you feel better — and the remaining 40 seconds outlining the potential negative side effects, while the impossible- to-read mice-type legal disclaimer appears at the bottom of the screen. It begs the question: Would a more natural approach to getting healthy be the better method?
Enter Drs. Jason and Maria Granzotto, the husband-and-wife team — both Naturopathic Doctors — who have developed and enthusiastically lead their team of practitioners with a devoted belief in practising the natural approach at their Tri- Health Wellness Centre in Woodbridge, Ont. With a combined 25 years of professional experience, they opened Tri-Health Wellness Centre in the spring of 2020, just before the pandemic hit, but have successfully grown ever since, and now they have an integrated team of 15 practitioners. Each practitioner at Tri-Health is dedicated to helping their patients live a naturopathic lifestyle, providing a combination of advanced and innovative offerings not available elsewhere. These include a Hyperbaric Chamber for oxygen therapy, cryotherapy (cooling), infrared sauna (warming), Red Light Therapy (warming), Live Blood Cell Microscopy (a firsthand “window” or snapshot view into the body that would otherwise be missed) and their popular InBody 570 body composition analyzer. These are all inclusive of the latest and top-echelon technologies available to provide an even more in-depth and effective treatment plan to their patients.
“One of our goals at Tri-Health is to educate and bring to the forefront how Natural Medicine has advanced,” says Dr. Jason Granzotto. “We have what we call an ‘integrated approach’ to care, with a large team under one roof. Tri- Health is comprised of the right professional practitioners treating our patients at the right time. If a patient needs to be referred to someone else, our team is confident enough to do just that, always putting the patient’s health above everything else through our altruistic approach to healthcare.”
Tri-Heath Wellness Centre’s holistic perspective, testing abilities, effective treatments, as well as its desire to heal every patient addresses a critical need in the community of Woodbridge which has undergone dramatic change over the years.
“I grew up in Woodbridge, and I have practised here for more than 15 years,” says Dr. Jason Granzotto. “So, I understand a lot of the culture, but I’ve also seen how the culture has evolved. We have a very multicultural and dynamic group of practitioners, which I think matches the evolution of the community, and we’re trying to help both young and old. Some people have a fear about Natural Medicine or are very connected to their family doctor. So we want to help that community understand that the natural approach is very safe and very tried-and-true. We work with family doctors, so there is a comfort level knowing we’re a familiar face.”
To attract the younger generation, which has an increased interest in the natural approach to health care, Tri-Health has an active presence on social media, with videos and information designed to educate and inform. They even train both Olympic and professional athletes.
Recently, there has been a renewed focus on just what we are putting into our bodies. Tri-Health Wellness Centre is proving to be a leading, safe sanctuary for a better alternative to health care, with a holistic, natural approach.
8611 Weston Rd., #4, Woodbridge, ON