Tri-Health Wellness Centre: A Holistic Approach To Health

Dr. Jason Granzotto, ND, discusses how his Tri-Health Wellness Centre is creating a new standard for natural health care.

For Dr. Jason Granzotto, who is a naturopathic doctor (ND), the success of the Tri-Health Wellness Centre, which he founded in June 2020, lies in communication. With a team of in-house chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists, personal trainers and kinesiologists, he believes the communication between all of these people is key to creating a more comprehensive treatment plan for patients.

“When we talk about natural medicine, those are the ones that carry the most weight and have the greatest impact individually,” he says. “If you can combine them, you’re getting exponential improvement.”

Granzotto explains how that might look to someone struggling with their weight. “I can give them a diet and supplements. They’ll lose some weight, but they won’t be gaining muscle,” he shares. “If you see a personal trainer, you’ll strengthen yourself and increase your metabolism. The effect of what I was doing is now magnified because you’re incorporating another piece.”

The clinic itself, a two-floor, 2,500-square-foot establishment in Vaughan, was realized after a two-year collaboration with an interior designer. It’s equipped with everything to make someone’s treatment plan a reality. As well as having its team of experts dedicated to their specific fields, it offers a range of in-house testing.

These range from food-sensitivity testing, so patients can customize the diet that’s right for them; comprehensive hormone insights, to offer a better understanding of stress markers and nutritional deficiency; and other tests to offer instant health feedback.

“We want people to look forward to coming to the clinic,” Granzotto continues. “I have memories of going to the doctor that were dark and gloomy. We want a centre where people are happy when they come here and feel better when they leave.”

With a belief that expense should never be an obstacle to someone’s health, the clinic also works closely with patients to ensure they’re not just receiving a long-term health plan, but making the most of their benefits and available packages to ensure the plan is as realistic and accessible as possible.

It’s this willingness to share knowledge that fuels much of the work at Tri-Health Wellness Centre. It’s also what inspired the launch of their various podcasts, which share insight on everything from healing grief to strength training, immunity and detoxification.

“It’s critical to educate the public about health,” Granzotto says. “For a long time, your doctor was top of the food chain. Now, with education and access to information online, there’s so much contradictory information. If you Google a symptom, you’re most likely dying. We have to move away from that.”

It’s this understanding and individual approach that gives the clinic its welcoming environment and has proven a success for so many. “Everything is individualized,” Granzotto continues. “Two people will come in with the same condition, and they’ll leave with very different plans. That’s how the natural and pharmaceutical systems differ.”

8611 Weston Rd., Unit 4, Vaughan, Ont.
905-605-WELL (9355)

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