Maria and Jason Granzotto: Totally Healthy

It’s not just about going to a doctor when you’re sick. It’s about taking charge and making lasting changes to improve your overall well-being. And at Tri-Health Wellness Centre, it’s an innovative, integrative approach to ensure that every facet of your health is supported.

You’re tired all the time, you’re run down and you’ve been dragging yourself around for months. You make an appointment to see your doctor, who tells you that everything is fine. You’re relieved, of course, but you’re still not feeling great.

Maybe there’s a better way. What if you step it up, instead, and take a new approach, with a combination of natural health and medical care for the best body, mind and spirit? That’s exactly what Dr. Maria Granzotto and Dr. Jason Granzotto, owners of Tri-Health Wellness Centre in Vaughan, Ont., are excited about. “There are so many things you can do to be proactive,” says Dr. Maria. “Let’s get the body as strong as possible, so that not only do you feel good, but you’re also preventing getting sick — in a serious way.”

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Dr. Maria and Dr. Jason met when they were both attending the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine more than 10 years ago, and they realized they share the same philosophy. Now, Tri-Health is their dream. A beautiful, bright 2,500-square-foot space, it’s a place where they’ve brought together practitioners from all health fields under one roof. Here, you can consult with a naturopath or a nutritionist, get chiropractic and acupuncture treatments and massage therapy, as well.

“We’re trying to build a network for people to feel that, whatever condition they have, we’re turning over every stone,” says Dr. Jason. “You don’t have to pick one thing: you can try acupuncture, do blood work, then you’re going to go back to your medical doctor. And we’re all going to be all communicating with one another.”

Disease prevention is a cornerstone at the centre. “We don’t want people to come in as a last resort. We want clients to feel the best they can,” says Dr. Maria. “Sometimes, even just boosting basic vitamin levels can help the body function like it was created and designed to.” It’s not a one-size-fits approach, says Dr. Maria, whose passion is nutrition and exercise. All treatments are individualized, and no two patients get the same treatment plan.

Technology and new diagnostic tools are used to full advantage at the centre. For Dr. Jason, who often deals with people who have chronic digestive problems connected to immune issues and diet, one of the most powerful diagnostic tools that he uses at Tri-Health is live blood microscopy. A drop of your blood is put under the microscope, so you can see exactly what is going on. “It’s a great hands-on tool for patients and me to use, because it’s real-time feedback. And it’s a good experience for them, because it’s something they’ve never seen before. They’ve never gone to a doctor who has shown them this, and it gives us so much information.”

“It’s Important To Understand What Is Going To Be The Most Effective Way To Help A Client Feel Most Balanced.” — Dr. Maria Granzotto, ND, naturopathic doctor & owner of Tri-Health Wellness Centre

Another one of the diagnostic tools they use at Tri-Health is the InBody 570, a body-composition analyzer that analyzes lean muscle versus body fat composition, along with various health-risk factors — all in 45 seconds flat. Progress is tracked with personalized updated results from previous tests. And now, both Dr. Maria and Dr. Jason are excited about thermography scanning, available in the fall, which will show areas of inflammation in the body.

“It’s important to understand what is going to be the most effective way to help a client feel most balanced,” says Dr. Maria. With the fall and winter coming up, it’s so important to boost your immune system, with customized supplements and detox programs. And they take the time to ask the questions that are often left out of treatment plans, such as: “What do you do to relax? What are your hobbies? Do you have a social network?” Adds Dr. Maria: “We need to get a plan in place, when stress levels get high. It happens to everyone, and you need to have a way to manage that.” “I love empowering people,” says Dr. Maria. “Sometimes, people feel like there’s nothing they can do. But, there is so much in our control,” she adds. “What you choose to eat, the vitamins you take, your lifestyle.”

Some people say they feel better just walking into Tri-Health Wellness Centre. “Hopefully, people will be happy to come here, because it’s just a really welcoming environment,” she says. “When people leave here, I want them to say, ‘I love that place; I can’t wait to go back.’
8611 Weston Rd., Unit 4, Vaughan, Ont.
905-605-WELL (9355)

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