15 Mar 2021

Have we become a Society that practises ageism?

As a society, we have all been complicit in the shocking and inadequate levels of care in our nursing homes. The time to address the maelstrom of these inadequacies is now. We all need to be involved. Each of us...
By Cece M. Scott
All Time
15 Mar 2021

Youth And Mental Health: The Shadow Pandemic

The pandemic has had a detrimental effect on the mental health of our youth. They feel isolated and alone, without peer support or the usual engagement in fun activities. But there is help for this cohort that is free, anonymous...
By Cece M. Scott
All Time
15 Mar 2021

Buy Local, or Bye, Local

Is there a point when both our civil rights and the financial and emotional well-being of our small business owners supersede the governmental measures in place that mandate small businesses remain closed? It is the modern-day, COVID-19 version of the...
By Cece M. Scott
All Time
16 Sep 2020

Mena Massoud Celebrates His Dual Passions For Acting & The Vegan Life

In spite of his own struggles around procuring high-profile acting roles since his title performance in Aladdin, Massoud is a driving force in lending a hand to fellow actors of diverse voices. How many times have you wished that you...
By Cece M. Scott
All Time
10 Jul 2020

Doug Ford: The Heart Of Resilient Leadership

Leadership during a pandemic requires a set of skills that fosters collaboration, connectedness and out-of-the-box thinking. What is the real definition of effective leadership? Is it merely about leading a group of people? Is it connected to seniority or one’s...
By Cece M. Scott
All Time
10 Jul 2020

Roberta Battaglia: The Canadian Remake Of A Star Is Born

A 10-year-old with the grace and poise of an adult, Toronto’s Roberta Battaglia rings the buzzer on so many levels. Lady Gaga would be proud. If you were to shut your eyes and listen to 10-year-old Roberta Battaglia sing the...
By Cece M. Scott
All Time
10 Jul 2020

Adrianne Haslet: True Grit

Adrianne Haslet’s dream was to be the next Ginger Rogers — until she lost part of her leg as a result of the Boston Marathon bombing. Life can change on a dime. Imagine you are out for a leisurely lunch...
By Cece M. Scott
All Time
01 May 2020

The city of Vaughan is working its way through COVID-19, as it attains a positive foothold in life’s ‘new normal’

The initial triggers around the exponential rise of the COVID-19 coronavirus were attributed to the travelling public. Ubiquitous and affordable travel, especially during Canada’s cold winter months, commonly generates a significant flow of airline travel to myriad southern destinations. Also,...
By Cece M. Scott
All Time
17 Apr 2020

It is never the victim’s fault

There are many devastating facts and effects that we are being slammed with around the COVID-19 pandemic. Statistics, images and heartbreaking stories abound of parents and grandparents in homes and institutions whom none of us are able to visit. There...
By Cece M. Scott
All Time