The Canadian Bankers Association: Honouring The Brave

The Canadian Banks’ Law Enforcement Award honours those fighting financial crimes and protecting citizens.
It is rare when a newscast anywhere in Canada does not begin with a crime story. In a country with approximately 42 million people, it is unfortunate that gun crimes, assaults, break-ins, robberies and other individual horror stories are too often the norm.

But there is another type of crime that lurks in the shadows. It is quieter and less visible but consists of equally violent and egregious acts: we’re talking about crimes against our country’s banks and financial institutions, which put employees and customers at risk and potentially undermine the safety and security of the nation’s banking system.

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For the past 54 years the Canadian Bankers Association (CBA) has presented the Canadian Banks’ Law Enforcement Award (CBLEA) to individuals or groups in recognition of exceptional efforts to investigate crimes against banks in Canada and to protect bank employees and customers. This August the CBA honoured dedicated police officers and members of emergency services at the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police Summit, held this year in Halifax.

As the voice of more than 60 domestic and foreign banks that help drive Canada’s economic growth and prosperity, the CBA awards are its way of giving back with thanks. The CBA advocates public policies that contribute to a safe, sound and thriving banking system to ensure Canadians can succeed in achieving their financial goals.

Since the CBA’s creation in 1972, nearly 300 Canadian Banks’ Law Enforcement Awards have been presented to police officers and other emergency service responders for their outstanding bravery, dedication and other noteworthy achievements in combating crimes against Canadian banks. Award recipients are nominated by their peers, other law enforcement agencies and bank members across Canada.

“It has always been top priority for banks in Canada to maintain financial stability and safeguard their customers’ financial and personal information,” said Anthony G. Ostler, president and CEO of the Canadian Bankers Association, when handing out the awards. “Tonight we pay tribute to our CBLEA recipients for their bravery, dedication and professionalism toward the shared goal of fighting financial crimes. We are proud to continue our collaboration with law enforcement and the government in our common fight against evolving fraud and security issues.”

Both an Individual Award and a Group Award were handed out this summer in Halifax. The Individual Award was presented to Detective Constable Michael Lane of the Toronto Police Service and the Group Award was presented to representatives from British Columbia’s Saanich and Victoria Police Departments, the Greater Victoria Emergency Response Team (GVERT), BC Emergency Communications and BC Ambulance Service.

Detective Constable Lane’s award was for putting together a plan that took down a group of organized criminals working to defraud Canadian financial institutions of millions of dollars. In 2020, Lane led Project FRIENDS, which managed to identify money mules used in Canada and internationally and the shell companies used for laundering the proceeds. The project resulted in the arrest of seven people, with 23 charges laid to date and two convictions so far, and the downfall of an illegal bitcoin mining farm.

In 2022, two armed suspects entered a Bank of Montreal branch in Saanich, B.C., and demanded cash, endangering the lives of 22 staff and customers. A coordinated response by multiple agencies was quickly organized, and officers cordoned off the area to protect the general public. After an exchange of gunfire that resulted in the deaths of the two armed suspects, trained medics from the Greater Victoria Emergency Response Team (GVERT) provided lifesaving treatments to the six police officers who had been injured. A further investigation determined that the suspects’ vehicle contained a large amount of ammunition and explosives, which could have caused more injuries or deaths.

The often-silent fight against financial crimes in Canada may not lead the news or create the biggest headlines, but it is an integral part of the ongoing day-to- day dedication and enforcement of the law that are necessary to ensure a safe, healthy and livable society to the benefit of millions of Canadians.

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Rick Muller

Rick Muller