Haute Couture’s Year-end Fashion Show

Joanne Dice of Haute Couture Academy of Fashion, Fine Arts & Design puts on her annual celebratory gala, ILLUMINATE.

Since 1998, the Haute Couture Academy of Fashion, Fine Arts & Design has been recognized as the leading institution for sewing and design in York Region. Year after year, students who have completed courses at the academy feel more confident, capable and passionate about their craft than ever before. To celebrate their hard work and showcase their talent, Joanne Dice, owner, designer and creative director of the academy, organizes a year-end fashion and art show gala.

To no one’s surprise, this year’s show was sold out. Lavishly hosted by Montecassino Event Venue in Vaughan earlier this month on July 3 with more than 500 guests in attendance, the audience consisted of family, friends and industry professionals eager to see the upcoming talent.

“It’s a family event! We have a multicourse dinner and an incredible raffle, all while the award recipients are announced,” said Dice. The show began with the art gallery showing — a beautiful array of different pieces crafted by the students, prominently presented on 150 easels lined up all along the hall. Then the fashion show began, as students strutted on the runway wearing their hand-crafted garments with a sense of pride and the professionalism that will prepare them for a future in the industry.

“Fashion and design professors from post-secondary institutions always attend because they know these can potentially be their future students,” said Dice. “The importance of the show is that it gives students a reason to complete all their artwork and sewing pieces, to complete their collections. With a solid deadline to work toward, it also gives them emotional and mental growth.”

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For any artist it is very difficult to put their work on display, opening themselves up to criticism. But Dice’s students learn to embrace this moment of vulnerability and turn it into a strength that will inspire them to continue to explore the boundaries of their artistry.

Over the years, Dice has seen first-hand the difference in her students’ attitudes before their first show and post-show. The sense of confidence and pride in their hard work is palpable and puts them on the path to a professional career.

“Without vulnerability, kids aren’t going to achieve greater growth. This show will help them in everything they do in their life, whether they go into business, finance, fine arts or design,” said Dice. “Receiving critiques and putting their best foot forward is the single most important thing we as instructors can teach our kids.”

After attending this show, you’d be safe to say that anyone interested in fashion, sewing, graphic design or visual arts should be motivated to enroll in Dice’s program. The experience is so special that you wouldn’t want to miss being a part of it.

8099 Weston Rd., #10, Woodbridge, ON 905-264-9341

Children's book: "Tali and the Toucan" by Mira Z. Amiras
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