TMS Clinics of Canada: Medication-free Treatment For Depression

Dr. Leo Steiner and his team at TMS Clinics of Canada aim to have you loving life again.

Dr. Leo Steiner is a registered psychologist specializing in Neuropsychology and Rehabilitation Psychology. Like many professionals who have worked in the mental health field for decades, he has experienced his share of successes and challenges. After 30 years in practice, Dr. Steiner chose to reinvent himself and his strategy by incorporating a neuromodulation technique known as Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) into his treatment plans for patients with treatment-resistant conditions. Over the past three years, he has observed a remarkable increase in positive responses and a significant reduction in relapses among his patients.

Mental illness is experienced by one in three Canadians during their lifetime, and approximately 50% of people have reported that their mental health has worsened since the onset of COVID-19. To respond to these alarming statistics, Dr. Steiner is excited to introduce TMS Clinics of Canada, the first private clinic in Toronto to offer Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.

This groundbreaking, medication-free treatment is approved by Health Canada and is currently available in such prestigious facilities as the Mayo Clinic and hospitals affiliated with Harvard, Yale, Johns Hopkins, Columbia and Stanford universities. According to CANMAT (Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments, a network of academic and clinical experts dedicated to improving clinical care for people with mood and anxiety disorders) “TMS is now a first-line recommendation for patients with Major Depressive Disorder who have failed at least one antidepressant.”

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Since 1988, Dr. Steiner has been dedicated to helping individuals suffering from depression and other emotional challenges. He has had the privilege of teaching graduate university courses, working in the psychiatric departments of hospitals in the Greater Toronto Area and consulting with addiction facilities, social service agencies and Corrections Canada.

TMS Clinics of Canada brings a deep passion to mental health care. The team is composed of genuine, caring and personable individuals who treat their patients with the utmost dignity and respect.

Dr. Steiner emphasizes one more important point. People credit TMS for their success but also acknowledge the critical role of the supportive staff. They feel that the warm and caring staff in the clinic is what got them through their journey.

“The combination of an effective treatment and a wonderful staff have pulled many people out of years of misery and brought them to ‘Love Life Again,’” says Dr. Steiner.

Please visit or call 905- 897-9699 for a complimentary consultation and for more information.
7250 Keele St. #419, Vaughan, Ont.

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